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Welcome to our web site and the initiative to improve health care and public health through enhanced scale-up and spread of effective health programs. This website was established in conjunction with the July 2010 Conference to Advance the State of the Science and Practice on Scale-up and Spread of Effective Health Programs, an event funded by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, Commonwealth Fund, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Donaghue Foundation and John A. Hartford Foundation. The initiative seeks to envision – and trigger – a new era of rapid and broad scale up of effective practices in health care and public health, to achieve improvements in health and quality of life through more rapid diffusion and uptake of effective, innovative practices.

This site contains materials from the conference and additional resources useful in research, policy and practice activities to enhance scale-up and spread.

The website and blog are accompanied by an email discussion list. To join the list, please send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@WWW.LISTSERV.VA.GOV with the command SUBSCRIBE SCALE-UP-SPREAD-DISC-L as the body of the message. Leave the subject line of your message blank, and delete any email “signature” or other text inserted into the message. If you encounter any difficulty please contact Deborah Jenkins (Deborah.Jenkins@va.gov).

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dissemination & Implementation in Health Listserv

Below is information about the Dissemination & Implementation in Health Listserv, a monthly distribution of information on late-breaking research, practice, and policy activities in the broad area of dissemination and implementation in health care and public health, including publications, reports, conferences, meetings, program announcements, funding opportunities, and other various proceedings.

The listserv is purposely broad in membership and scope, and encompasses the areas relevant to dissemination and implementation in health care and public health, including: scale-up/spread, capacity building, knowledge translation, quality improvement, research-to-practice, diffusion, knowledge transfer and exchange, adoption, complex interventions, implementation strategies, action research, translational research, and other related terms and sub-disciplines. If you are interested in joining this listserv, send an email to listserv@listserv.uab.edu with the body of the message stating: Subscribe D-I-Health your name. You should receive a message from the listserv with instructions for how to complete your subscription. Archives for the listserv can be found at http://listserv.uab.edu/D-I-Health.html. Postings are also available on the Center for Health Dissemination and Implementation Research website (www.research-practice.org). Please feel free to circulate this information to interested colleagues.

We hope that this is one of many ways that we can continue to communicate with one another and grow this exciting field.

Please contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Wynne Norton

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